

Practice Mon, Wed @ Sertoma Park

Practice Sat 9-11 AM @ Timpview Track

Summer Practice MWF 7:05-8:30 AM @ Sertoma Park

Roadrunner Club

Humans are born to run and have the potential for incredible speed and endurance. Roadrunner Club is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for youth to discover their potential as athletes, develop life skills, and make lasting friendships.

Training Approach

The training philosophy is to mix hard, long workouts with group strength workouts and running games. The focus is on gradual adaptation where the body adjusts over months to the new stress of running with stronger bones, ligaments, lung capacity, muscle endurance, and strength. We form running groups of similar ability levels with factors such as age, duration of training, injury history, and emotional readiness for the rigors of distance running. The team is inclusive of all ability levels.

Fill out the registration form and come join the team to get started.